Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Holy Multiples, Batman!

I am obsessed with a message board that Twins Magazine runs. It started when I was pregnant and has continued as the girls grow. You start on a board that has your due date, so I was on the September/October 2007 Pregnant Board. When the girls were born I moved over to the September/October 2007 Birth Month board. So, everyone on the board has twins that are the same age as mine. We all post questions, concerns, milestones achieved and just random socializing. It is awesome! All of the ladies are from all over the US, but a big chunk of them live in New England. When I was in NY was when they happened to be having a New England Playdate! 10 sets of twins that were 9 or 10 months old! It was WONDERFUL!!!

It was hosted in Boston by one of the ladies on the board,
Kerry . Her house was perfect!

Ruthie and Maddie were very interesting to watch with all the other twins. They decided to divide and conquer. I didn't see them together at all until the very end. They each found other sets of twins and hung out with them (the girls are in the purple dresses).

Ruthie found the twins with the cheerios, of course.

Notice her expression of accomplishment!

Maddie did quite a bit of "exploring"...
and making new friends...

Near the end, the two of them played on this excersaucer like they had never seen one of them before. Apparently the two that take up half of my living room are not nearly as exciting as this one.

1 comment:

Bowsman Family said...

Hey Kristen! I'm so glad your sister linked your blog in hers so that I could blog-hop over! Congrats on the twins - I don't know how you do it. I can barely keep up with one! But, it looks like you're doing an awesome job. Maddie and Ruthie are absolutely adorable and we'll enjoy reading up on them as they grow! We'd love to see you - if you're ever in AR, let me know! Our blog is www.bowsmanfamily.blogspot.com.