Monday, May 4, 2009

The Face of Separation Anxiety

Want to know what the face of separation anxiety looks like?

It looks something like this. This is Ruthie throwing herself up against our glass door because I walked outside to let the dogs out. Now, think how many times a day I have to let the dogs out and that is how many times a day I see this....

I cant help but laugh when she squishes her face up against the glass. I can only imagine what my neighbors think of of me as my child is screaming and I am outside taking pictures of it. I dont think they will be nominating me for any Mother of the Year awards.

With the pained look on her face you would think I was outside dancing in a field of ice cream and not letting her out to join in the fun. I seriously am just standing there holding a leash. This too shall pass.....

1 comment:

Brian and Katie Whitt said...

i'm sure you've already done this, but i wonder what she'd do if you shut the front door behind you instead of only leaving the storm door open. OR (this is even better) paste an 8x10 picture of your head on the back of the door at her eye level so she can look at your face while you're outside.